Our Top 5 Family Days Out in Northumberland

The county of Northumberland is home to many historical and picturesque sites. We are lucky enough to live in this amazing place, a short drive to the bustling city of Newcastle and a stones throw from the beach, countryside and woodland. We get to enjoy castles, countryside, the seaside, hills and wildlife within our county. […]

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5 Hacks to Reduce Your Food Waste

Why is reducing our food waste important? Food waste from our homes costs us money and the environment, through an increase in methane gas and the waste of energy and resources from the production and distribution of food. We can make small changes in our lives to help us save money and do our bit […]

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Rainy Day Children’s Activities

When the rain strikes, having some activities on hand can be a lifesaver to bring joy to our little ones on those grey days. Knowing that you have several ideas and resources to fall back on, is a comforting thought and it can let you and your children pick and choose according to your interests […]

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Bringing Nature into our Homes

Biophilic design is all about reconnecting to nature and bringing natural elements into our homes and places of work, such as plants and furniture made of natural materials. It is based upon the idea that reconnecting with nature improves our mental health and well-being. In modern times we spend much more time indoors and large […]

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The Magic of Meal Planning

Does anyone else find that they dread the big weekly food shop? It takes ages, it’s usually busy, you have to queue for the till and you always spend more money than you had planned? Then you get home and think, what did I actually buy? I don’t know what I can make with that?! […]

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